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Certified Fitness Trainer and Nutrition Coach


Hi my name is Kasia and I’m a Personal Trainer. Welcome to my website :)


I originally come from Poland in Western Europe but lived and worked in Ireland for 6 years before travelling South America and New Zealand and moving over to Australia. It is here where I found my passion for fitness and healthy living and has been lucky enough to be able to combine my passion with work and help people live happier healthier lives. 


I specialise in 1 on 1 Personal Training and Nutrition Guidance. Over the last couple of years I helped my clients not only reach their fitness goals but over-exceed their expectations and more importantly maintain that change for months after. I feel so privileged to be able to help people change their daily life habits and see improvements in both their bodies and their minds. 


I hope you’ll enjoy the content of this website and if you have any questions regarding training or nutrition, please feel free to pop me a message. I’ll be more than happy to help you too! 

My Fitness Story

From the moment I started my fitness journey, education about training and nutrition was at the forefront of my career as a coach. I always strive to get the best mentoring for myself so I can then give the best possible help to my clients and get them the best possible results! As a coach I strongly believe that hard work, consistency and discipline with proper training and nutrition will transform your shape, just like it did with mine. If I can do it, so can you! 


This is my lifestyle now, I genuinely LOVE training and eating healthy to fuel my body but I also love to indulge when the time is right. Balance is everything and I am a big believer in flexible dieting. I also challenge myself every day and I try to teach the same approach to those who I am privileged to be working with. 


Come and join my team now and watch your life transform!

My own fitness story may be a little different. I’ve never had weight issues or never been on an actual “diet” but I used to be very unhealthy. I used to smoke, drink and eat A LOT of fast foods, processed foods and take-aways. I come from a very sporty family but in my 20’s health, sport and physical activity were not my priority. I was always “skinny” so I never felt the need to change anything about my lifestyle or nutrition. That said, I also never had very much shape or strength and that was what attracted me to resistance training. I went from skinny and unhealthy to strong, healthy and confident.


When I look back to 4 years ago, I am now a completely different person! Weight training changed my body and mind and I am now stronger not only physically but mainly mentally.

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